FNUniv offers Community-Based Programs in First Nations communities throughout Canada. These programs allow students to remain in their own communities while taking university courses. Programming is based on community needs and can delivered on-site or remotely.
Community-Based Program locations vary from semester to semester.
*Starting Fall 2024*
Two-Year Diploma in Indigenous Social Work
2024 – 2027 Partnerships:
*New Partnership with Onion Lake First Nation, Saskatchewan – Starting Fall 2024*
Students interested in the Indigenous Access Transition Education Certificate (IATEC) can apply through the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), University of Regina. The program’s intent is to prepare students for a university-level program of study, focusing on increasing retention and success rates for Indigenous students. The program also provides additional support and resources to ensure students feel reassured and confident in their academic journey.
Please visit the page for comprehensive information on the program, core courses,and program duration. The Indigenous Access Transition Education program could be your gateway to a brighter future
The Dene Teacher Education Program (DTEP) is a four-year Bachelor of Education – Indigenous Education program.
The vision of DTEP became a reality with partnerships between FNUniv, and:
The focus is on Dene Language Instruction and First Nations ways of learning. Language acquisition and development are crucial elements of teacher growth.
Programming is community-based, offered in the Clearwater River Dene Nation and La Loche with extensive services in their immersion and transition classrooms. FNUniv is committed to meet the community and academic needs of providing our students with the best possible education and maintaining and nurturing the cultural and linguistic heritage of the area.
One of the most significant impacts of a Dene Immersion and Teacher Education program is PRIDE. Students are proud of their Dene heritage and language. They represent a unique few among the First Nations Peoples of Canada who have maintained and expanded their first language.
Students will work with teachers who have developed and implemented the programs.
If you’re interested in this program, contact the Community-Based Program Coordinator.
Deadline for Application: AUGUST 1, 2025
The First Nations Language Instructors Certificate (FNLIC) is a certificate program that supports First Nations language teaching instructors.
The program is a space for anyone interested in teaching a First Nations Language. If you are a fluent speaker teaching the language, the program will assist you with your teaching methods. The program recently expanded the language groups to include Mohawk. It now comprises six language groups: êⲹêɾ, Anihšināpēmowin, Dakota, Nakota, Mohawk, and Dene, ensuring that everyone’s unique linguistic heritage is respected and celebrated.
If you work full-time and are committed to remaining in your home community while teaching your language, this Certificate program could be for you. It is offered remotely and in the evenings. Courses taken within the program can be accredited towards a Bachelor of Education degree.
FALL 2024
(1) Indigenous Language 100
EIND 100
FALL 2025
LING 230
EINL 225
(1) Indigenous Language 101
EPSY 205
EINL 116
EIND 325
EIND 335
EINL 450
For more information, please contact the Community-Based Program Coordinator
e: communitybasedprograms@firstnationsuniversity.ca