
Tuition & Fees

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Tuition & Fees

ڽƵ students pay the following fees:

  • Tuition
  • Student Union
  • University of Regina Services
  • University of Regina Recreation and Athletic
  • Student Association
  • ڽƵ Building Fund
  • Course fees

Tuition and fees are due in full on the first day of each semester. Please do not wait for a statement from the Finance Office.

Student Health & Dental Plan

All full-time ڽƵ students are automatically enrolled in the Student Health and Dental Plan, provided through the University of Regina Students’ Union.

There is a fee for this plan which is included with your tuition and other school fees. To get more information on the plans, add family, or opt-out visit or visit the URSU Office in the Riddell Centre.

Tuition and Fees Breakdown

Undergraduate Tuition & term-based Fees can be found online at the . More detailed Fee Schedules can be found . Tuition and Fees may be subject to change without notice.

Paying Tuition and Fees

Payment may be made by one of the following methods:

1. In person at the ڽƵ Financial Services Office (Regina Campus), Reception (Northern Campus), or the Administrative Assistant (Saskatoon Campus). Forms of payment accepted are personal cheque, money order, direct debit, Visa, or MasterCard.

2. By mail or deposit to the Financial Services mail slot by cheque, money order, Visa or MasterCard provided that the Student Payment form (available on the University of Regina website) is enclosed.

3. By fax, using Visa or MasterCard and the web Student Payment Form (Allow three business days for processing).

4. At a Canadian chartered bank or Saskatchewan credit union (Allow three business days for processing).


On receipt of a letter from a sponsor such as a tribal council or funding agency, Financial Services will bill the agency directly.

Late Payment

The deadlines for payment of fees without penalty can be found on the . Students who have not paid their fees by the deadline are assessed monthly interest charges of 1.5% of the total amount owing.

Uncleared Accounts

Students who owe money to the university are not allowed to register, make changes to their registration or obtain transcripts or diplomas.

Accounts that are still not cleared after six months are turned over to a collection agency.

For questions related to your student financial account please contact Cory Gauthier in Financial Services, 306-790-5950 ext. 2410 (Regina Campus).


The semester is divided into three periods for fee refunds:

Period 1: 100% refund of tuition and semester and course-based fees.

Period 2: 50% refund of tuition, no refund of semester and course-based fees.

Period 3: no refund of tuition or fees.

Refunds in periods 1 and 2 are automatically credited to the student’s account.

Deadlines for refunds are listed on the .

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